vijay kumar

Lord Shiva | Attribute of God Almighty

Query: What is the significance of lord shiva's first son having 2 wives?

Vijay Kumar:
Mythology was never part of spirituality. As per Bhagavad Gita Lord Shiva (aka Mahesh in Hinduism) was part of Hindu Trinity of gods. Lord Shiva was only an attribute of God Almighty... termed Brahman in Hinduism as per Bhagavad Gita! In reality... none like Lord Shiva ever existed on mother earth. Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu also were attributes of God Almighty, having nothing to do with absolute reality.

Hinduism mythology does not play any role in field of pure spirituality. As per Bhagavad Gita... human beings reached god via path of spirituality... never religion (path of rituals)! Hinduism mythology formed part of Hinduism religion. Hinduism mythology was full of anecdotes helpful in understanding Hinduism religion at large. Most examples in Hinduism mythology never relate to absolute reality and were only intended to explain a precept in detail!

You must learn to differentiate between religion and spirituality if you really wanted to reach abstract truths of life. For reaching God in present life, jnana wisdom contained in teachings of Bhagavad Gita was necessitated. In present times one could never reach God via path of bhakti yoga. One had to travel path of jnana yoga (path of absolute wisdom) to reach God in present life! Traveling path of jnana yoga means traveling path of absolute truth. One had to be hundred percent truthful in life to reach God.

More Lord Shiva related links...

Lord Krishna Lord Rama Hanuman - Lord Krishna God in Human Form - Lord Krishna Incarnation of God - Lord Shiva Indian Trinity of Gods - Shiva Lingam

Always there to clarify your queries (send your query),

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani" ... The Man who Realized God in 1993!

A to Z of Lord Shiva explained in words everyone can easily understand and fathom. More on attribute of god almighty can be found at Hindu Gods ... Vijay Kumar - 20 November 2012 (090707)

 Full text of query: Why lord shivas frist son has 2 wives? Is it polygamy? Kindly explain its significance.

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