Query: 1. The
smallest manifestation is still present in the world today. Does it mean that even after gaining
enlightenment or pure spirit, if we defy or refuse to serve HIM, we will again fall from grace back to
here. 2. After billions of years there will be another big bang, whereby all
living entities will again reach enlightenment and salvation. Afterwhich we will go back to Godhead into half
the size of a thumb (many atoms or soul Atmans). I would like to know after assembling into half the size of
a thumb, what is the rest of the space? And why is there a big bang repeatedly? Is it only one Cosmos
existing, and what is outside of the Cosmos?
Vijay Kumar:
You still fail to understand the correct definition of God Almighty. The
definition of God Almighty is not what people in the West normally think or what has been taught to them! God
Almighty is not the form of human beings. It is a pure cluster of celestial energy... the combined power of
all purified souls atmans in the Cosmos at a given point of
The soul atman having purified itself gains entry into the abode of
God... the kingdom of God (aka Vaikuntha in Hinduism). If a grain of sand is a purified soul atman... the
whole mound of sand being God Almighty! After gaining enlightenment and finally salvation... the question of
the purified soul atman serving God Almighty does not arise.
A single piece of puzzle being an independent soul atman... the completed
puzzle... the whole puzzle being God Almighty! No sooner the dross impurities within the soul atman remove
forever... the purified soul atman... the liberated soul atman... the independent piece of puzzle joins the
complete puzzle.
No sooner all souls' atmans in the Cosmos purify themselves... they join
the larger puzzle... the completed puzzle and devoid of all impurities within... God Almighty regains its
original pure pristine form... the size of half a thumb! In the analogy every single piece of puzzle is an
independent soul atman and the completed puzzle... the house of God... the kingdom of God!
All prayers to God Almighty are made by the human being... the body and
not the soul atman within! Every soul atman is God Almighty in minuscule form located within the heart of
every living being! No sooner the soul atman leaves... the body dies and decays! Every soul atman forms a
part of God Almighty... not the form of human beings!
No sooner the independent piece of puzzle finds place in the larger
puzzle... the whole puzzle... the journey for the independent soul atman completes by itself! Having reached
the stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha)... the liberated soul atman
remains in the kingdom of God until eternity!
And what is eternity? Until the dissolution of the Cosmos occurs... we
refer to the interloping period as being eternity! It may take billions or trillions of years before the
collapse of the Cosmos occurs! It is beyond the capacity of human beings to analyze the cosmic structure. The
liberated soul atman remains in Vaikuntha (kingdom of God) until eternity!
The liberated soul atman that gains access to the kingdom of God need not
manifest a body again! Why? Devoid of all impurities within... the reason for soul atman to manifest a body
ceases to exist! Whatever be the cause... the liberated soul atman can never again manifest a body to work
out its karma! For a liberated soul atman the need for karma does not arise!
Beyond half the size of a thumb... what is that Cosmos is made of? This
question is prohibited to be asked by the sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism. The only question that is
prohibited to be asked by the sacred Bhagavad Gita! We all know that the present Cosmos does not seem to have
boundary. If it does... then what beyond!
As this analogy does not hold well in the ephemeral world... the entire
Cosmos seems like a thought of God Almighty! The prime reason why the entire Cosmos has been termed as an act
of Maya (veil of illusion) by Adi Shankaracharya of Hinduism! As per the doctrine of Maya... nothing exists
in the cosmic system except God Almighty.
The existence of the entire Cosmos is like a dream state where everything
vanishes when one wakes up! The existence of the whole Cosmos as per the doctrine of Maya has been termed as
the dream state of God Almighty! Having realized self in 1993... I can understand the cosmic structure in
Toto! But the true picture of the Cosmos is beyond the capture of the senses and the mind. Only when one
gains enlightenment... the entire picture becomes clear!
The origination of the Cosmos through a big bang is a definite theory.
Only when God Almighty explodes self with a big bang... the Cosmos is formed... never otherwise! The moment
collapse of the entire Cosmos occurs... it reduces to the size of half a thumb! This massive energy unable to
contain itself for long in its prime pure state again explodes with a big bang resulting in a new cosmos... a
new journey of life!
Of all the queries... how can the big bang theory or the origin of Cosmos
disturb human beings? Until we gain enlightenment... we are not supposed to question the affairs of his! The
prime goal of every human being is gaining enlightenment and salvation. Our every single act must be directed
towards traveling the spiritual path!
Why ponder over non issues that carry no meaning in the spiritual world!
The spiritual world is much beyond the capture of the five senses and the mind!
More God Almighty related links...
Abode of
God Kingdom of God Vaikuntha Hinduism - Attributes
of God Almighty Heaven Hell - Almighty God Brahman -
Definition of God - Communion with God Commune with God Almighty -
Can God take a Human Form - God and Cosmos - God Avatar Gita
Kundalini - God Soul Atman Human Beings -
God Bless You Origin Source Quote - Meet God
May God bless all!
Always there to clarify your queries (send your query),
Essay by:
Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani" ... The Man who Realized God in 1993!
A to Z of God Almighty explained in words everyone can easily understand and
fathom. More on maya veil of illusion can be found at : Proof of God
... Vijay Kumar - 5 June 2010. |
Full text of query: 1. The smallest manifestation is still present
in the world today. Does it mean even after becoming enlighten or pure spirit, if we defy or refuse to serve
HIM, we will again fall from grace back to here.
2. After many billions of years there will a again another big bang,
whereby all living entities will again enlightenment and salvation. After which we will go back to Godhead
into half the size of a thumb (many atoms or soul Atmans). I would like to know after assembling into half
the size of a thumb, what is the rest of the space? And why is there a big bang repeatedly? Is it only one
Cosmo existing, and what is outside of the Cosmo?
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