vijay kumar

End Times 2012

End of the world theories predicted by Nostradamus laid clear stress on intangible values of life! Human form... the highest manifest stage in cosmic life cycle sometimes stooped so low that at times it became difficult to differentiate human being from animals! Animals killed for sake of food... human beings killed for sake of pleasure!


It is in such times even innocent laid their lives for sake of humanity! To counter ill effects of bad karma... sacrifice of innocent was mandated by God Almighty! In coming end times 2012... No sinner could escape gallows... so says doctrine of karma! To cleanse society of all its ills... indulgence in good karma... positive karma was the only way out!

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  • World Ending in 2012
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When I first saw end of the world 2012 in 1993... It was so ghastly a picture that it would completely dwarf present happenings in Japan... a massive earthquake followed by 30 feet high waves from tsunamis tearing into mountainous households in coastal belt of north-eastern Japan!


Amongst the most prominent end of the world theories is a full scale nuclear war between Christianity and Islamic Dharma as envisaged by Nostradamus... the famous seer, visionary saint of 16 century! Nostradamus was an astrologer par excellence... he definitely could see beyond his times!


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