The moment you form a firm goal in life... mounted with the bulldog determination of Winston
Churchill with all eggs in one basket... you can clear any hurdle of life! Goal in Life Siddhi Yoga: Inner meaning
explained by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993!
Purpose of life - Jivan ka maqsad (Video by Vijay Kumar)
Goal Setting: List of all related Essays Articles ...
Having a goal in life is of utmost importance. Most human beings did not have a goal in life... their life acting like a rudderless boat going round and round in the ocean!
The moment you form a firm goal in life... mounted with the bulldog determination of Winston Churchill with all eggs in one basket... you can clear any hurdle of life! Goal in Life Siddhi Yoga: Inner meaning explained by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993!
It is never wrong to form a materialistic goal in life but attaching self to fruits of karma performed is wrong! Materialistic goal in life - sick materialistic world: Inner meaning explained by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993!
Before indulging in anything spiritual... you must form your exact goal of life! Most content on my various websites could not be understood literally. It demands reading in between the lines. Only then one understood the hidden underlying meaning.
Success in Life: Definition meaning by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993! How difficult it is to reach the stage of enlightenment can only be guessed from the fact that only two persons amongst 6500 million people existing on Mother Earth gained enlightenment in the past 150 years!
The answer to this query... ultimate goal of life clearly laid in sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism. As per Bhagavad Gita the present physical manifest human form was undertaken by our soul atman to cleanse self of dross impurities within.
What is My Goal of Life Purpose in Life: Definition meaning by Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993! The goal of life for human beings is stepping ahead in the journey of life... day after day... month after month... year after year! For human beings also the ultimate goal of life remains gaining enlightenment and salvation at the earliest. Purpose of Life