After death of mortal body... family weeps bereaved but in the cosmic domain nothing much has
happened! As the mortal frame was manifested by our soul atman... after death of mortal body based on residual
balance of karma of that moment it shall again manifest a new body and starts a new cycle of
Where will be the soul after death... concept of heaven and hell (swarga and naraka in Hinduism)
is best understood following jnana wisdom contained in Bhagavad Gita. Heaven and hell are not places where
human beings could go bodily after death of mortal frame! Heaven (swarga in Hinduism) existed in core of sun
where temperatures exceed millions of degrees centigrade!
What is Swarg Narak (Video by Vijay Kumar)
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What will happen after death is the most asked question on Internet! Why mortal human beings feared death most? When we speak of death... what does it actually mean in spiritual or religious parlance! Does death announce end of life
The query where will the soul go after death is not new to Hinduism! As per sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism after death of mortal body our atman soul immediately manifested a new body provided matching parents were available on mother earth!